Physical Examination Review -Senior

Physical Examination Review -Senior

Physical Examination Review

Summary of Recommendation and Evidence

Population Recommendation Grade
(What's This?)
Screening of both genders.

This screening is recommended for seniors.


General Appearance

Apparent age, state of health, nutritional status, alertness, and evidence of discomfort.

Vital Signs

 Temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate and rhythm (regular or irregular), and respiratory rate and pattern.


Texture, moisture and temperature; eruptions, scars, masses, nevi, telangiectasia; abnormalities of hair and nails.

Lymph nodes

 Size, consistency, mobility and tenderness in occipital, cervical, post-auricular, submandibular, supra-clavicular, epitrochlear, axillary and inguinal regions.


 Size, symmetry, evidence of trauma, tenderness (including sinuses), masses, and condition of scalp.


 Eyebrows, lids, conjunctival inflammation and scleral icterus; corneal opacities and abrasions; pupillary size, equality and reaction to light and accommodation; extraocular movements and exophthalmos; fundi for discs, vessels, macula, exudates and hemorrhages; gross visual acuity and fields.


 Auricles, auditory canals, tympanic membranes and gross hearing.


 Deformities and septal deviation; obstruction, mucous membrane inflammation, polyps, bleeding and discharge.


Lip color, lesions and pigmentations; condition of teeth; gingival color, inflammation, and bleeding; tongue color, moisture, tremor and coating; buccal mucosa inflammation and eruptions; soft palate; odor of breath. If patient wears dentures, remove them.


 Mucosal color, exudates and lesions; tonsil size, symmetry and exudates; post-nasal discharge.


 Range of motion; pain and tenderness; tracheal position, thyroid size, symmetry and consistency; carotid impulse strength and bruits.


Range of motion; pain and tenderness over spine, muscles and costovertebral angle; symmetry.


 Shape and symmetry in excursion; intercostal retractions; rib tenderness and chest wall masses.


 Percussion, auscultation, bronchophony, egophony, pectoriloquy and fremitus.


Size, shape, symmetry, tenderness and masses.


Precordial movement, apical impulse, rate and rhythm; heart sounds, murmurs, rubs and gallops.


 Shape, tenderness, bowel sounds and bruits; size of liver, spleen, and kidneys; masses .


 Deformities, tenderness, localized swelling, peripheral pulses and edema, cyanosis, clubbing, temperature, varicose veins, and hair loss.


Joint mobility, tenderness, effusion, erythema and deformity.


Screening exam in non-neurologic cases, otherwise full exam. Mental status; cranial nerves; peripheral strength, tone and sensation; deep tendon reflexes; Rhomberg and gait.

Vital signs    
Blood pressure Hypertension Adverse effects from medication, autonomic dysfunction
Blood pressure Orthostatic hypotension Adverse effects from medication, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease
Heart rate Bradycardia Adverse effects from medication, heart block
Heart rate Irregularly irregular heart rate Atrial fibrillation
Respiratory rate Increased respiratory rate greater than 24 breaths per minute Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, pneumonia
Temperature Hyperthermia, hypothermia Hyper- and hypothyroidism, infection
General Unintentional weight loss Cancer, depression
  Weight gain Adverse effects from congestive heart failure medication
Head Asymmetric facial or extraocular muscle weakness or paralysis Bell palsy, stroke, transient ischemic attack
  Frontal bossing Paget disease
  Temporal artery tenderness Temporal arteritis
Eyes Eye pain Glaucoma, temporal arteritis
  Impaired visual acuity Presbyopia
  Loss of central vision Age-related macular degeneration
  Loss of peripheral vision Glaucoma, stroke
  Ocular lens opacification Cataracts
Ears Hearing loss Acoustic neuroma, adverse effects from medication, cerumen impaction, faulty or ill-fitting hearing aids, Paget disease
Mouth, throat Gum or mouth sores Dental or periodontal disease, ill-fitting dentures
  Leukoplakia Cancerous and precancerous lesions
  Xerostomia Age-related, Sjögren syndrome
Neck Carotid bruits Aortic stenosis, cerebrovascular disease
  Thyroid enlargement and nodularity Hyper- and hypothyroidism
Cardiac Fourth heart sound (S4) Left ventricular thickening
  Systolic ejection, regurgitant murmurs Valvular arteriosclerosis
Pulmonary Barrel chest Emphysema
  Shortness of breath Asthma, cardiomyopathy, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure
Breasts Masses Cancer, fibroadenoma
Abdomen Pulsatile mass Aortic aneurysm
Gastrointestinal, genital/rectal Atrophy of the vaginal mucosa Estrogen deficiency
Constipation Adverse effects from medication, colorectal cancer, dehydration, hypothyroidism, inactivity, inadequate fiber intake
  Fecal incontinence Fecal impaction, rectal cancer, rectal prolapse
  Prostate enlargement Benign prostatic hypertrophy
  Prostate nodules Prostate cancer
  Rectal mass, occult blood Colorectal cancer
  Urinary incontinence Bladder or uterine prolapse, detrusor instability, estrogen deficiency
Extremities Abnormalities of the feet Bunions, onychomycosis
  Diminished or absent lower extremity pulses Peripheral vascular disease, venous insufficiency
  Diminished or absent lower extremity pulses Peripheral vascular disease, venous insufficiency
  Heberden nodes Osteoarthritis
  Pedal edema Adverse effects from medication, congestive heart failure
Muscular/skeletal Diminished range of motion, pain Arthritis, fracture
  Dorsal kyphosis, vertebral tenderness, back pain Cancer, compression fracture, osteoporosis
  Gait disturbances Adverse effects from medication, arthritis, deconditioning, foot abnormalities, Parkinson disease, stroke
  Leg pain Intermittent claudication, neuropathy, osteoarthritis, radiculopathy, venous insufficiency
  Muscle wasting Atrophy, malnutrition
  Proximal muscle pain and weakness Polymyalgia rheumatica
Skin Erythema, ulceration over pressure points, unexplained bruises Anticoagulant use, elder abuse, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
  Premalignant or malignant lesions Actinic keratoses, basal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, pressure ulcer, squamous cell carcinoma
Neurologic Tremor with rigidity Parkinson disease